Skate Park

All Minors must have a completed & notarized parental consent form on file and decal issued by Suwannee Parks & Recreation. Click here to download permission form.

Skate Park Rules & Information

Pursuant to FLORIDA STATUTE, 316.0085(5)(c), users under the age of 17 must have a waiver of consent signed by a parent / guardian and kept on file at the Suwannee Parks & Recreation office.   A decal will be assigned which must be affixed to their helmet and worn at all times.

  • All users must wear a helmet. It is highly recommended that users wear other safety equipment such as knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards.
  • Skaters under the age of 8 must have a parent present with them.
  • Skate at your own risk – no supervision is provided.
  • Skate at your own skill level.  Don’t attempt tricks beyond your ability.
  • Call 911 if an emergency or an accident occurs.
  • Bicycles and motorized equipment are not allowed in the skate park area; only skateboards, scooters and inline skates.
  • No skating when surface is wet.
  • Ride safely and avoid collisions with other riders.
  • Fighting and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Smoking, eating and drinking are not allowed in the skate park area.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Any organized contests or competitions must be scheduled through Suwannee Parks & Recreation.
  • Please do not skate in the parking lot, tennis courts, racquetball courts or basketball courts.
  • Modifications to any of the skate park equipment will not be allowed.
  • Use of this park is a privilege, not a right.   Please don’t abuse it.
  • Please report any hazards or maintenance issues to Suwannee Parks & Recreation immediately.


  • 1201 Silas Drive
    Live Oak, FL 32064